Health & Fitness

Your Questions Answered About The Rhinoplasty Procedure

There are some cosmetic procedures which are carried out more often than others and today we are specifically going to discuss that of rhinoplasty. A rhinoplasty procedure is currently the second most popular in the country, with breast augmentation coming in at number one. Many of you have been getting in touch to ask us questions about this particular procedure and today we are going to seek to answer as many of them as we possibly can. If you have been considering rhinoplasty, here are some of your burning questions answered. 

What Exactly is Rhinoplasty?

This is a surgical procedure which seeks to reshape the nose. There are many issues which this procedure is able to correct such an oversized nose, an undersized nose or indeed changing the shape. Size can both be added and removed, and the shape can be changed with ease. 

What is The Difference Between Open and Closed Rhinoplasty?

In the case of closed rhinoplasty all of the incisions which are made are done on the inside of the nose. This is performed in this way so that post-op, there is no evidence that the procedure has been carried out. This is of course the recommended and preferred approach to rhinoplasty, but there are some cases whereby it just isn’t possible. Open rhinoplasty on the other hand will involve an incision being made across the bottom of the nose. 

Can Insurance Cover Rhinoplasty?

The only time in which the insurance company will cover your rhinoplasty procedure is if it has been as the result of an accident such as a car crash. If however the election to have this procedure is purely cosmetic then you will not have the coverage which you require to have this done. 

Who Is a Good Candidate For Rhinoplasty?

A good candidate for this kind of surgery is one who has thought long and hard about the changes which they would like to make. Beyond this the ideal patient would be one in good health, not a heavy smoker or drinker, someone over the age of 14 and someone who perfectly understands what the outcome will be. 

How Long is Recovery Time?

The recovery time will depend somewhat on how invasive the procedure has been, but in the main it will take around 3 weeks for your nose to fully here. Following this you may have some issues around breathing, only it that it may be a bit different to before. There will definitely be a lot of bruising around the nose because the muscles and the cartilage will be adapting to the change. It is advised that you rest up for at least 2 weeks and that you then avoid any kind of exercise or heavy lifting for a further two weeks. 

This is a very safe procedure which has an incredibly high success rate and it is also a very affordable procedure too. If there are any more questions which you’d like to ask, feel free to get in touch in the comments below.
